Tag: Berlin MD

Wikipedia says: Berlin is a town in Worcester County, Maryland, United States.

The town of Berlin lies over land that was originally the 300-acre Burley Plantation, patented by William Tomkins in 1677. With the development of ancient Native American migratory and hunting trails into colonial highways, the Burley Plantation became a crossroads of a post road leading to Philadelphia (today’s Main Street) and the Sinepuxent Road. Berlin developed in the early-19th century at this crossroads, where a tavern, blacksmith shop, and livery were among the first established businesses in the new town. Regional tradition asserts that the pronunciation of the town’s name, “Burl’in” with emphasis on the first syllable, stems from the “Burley Inn,” the early tavern that stood at the crossroads of the Philadelphia Post and Sinepuxent Roads.

Soon after the Civil War, Berlin was incorporated as a town in 1868 and a period of significant growth ensued.