
File Details: AJXGm, 1400 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 43 Mb

Image ID: AJXG


by Gibson (James F.)



Negative Size:

4 in. x 10 in. stereo


horse, pup tent; Sibley tent; wall tent

Locations & Lines:

Cumberland Landing VA; Pamunkey River; Virginia

Military Units:

Army of the Potomac; US Army


freight wagon


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Photographic War History. The War For The Union. 1861-1865. No. 1214. Encampment at Cumberland Landing, Va. The camps of the Army of the Potomac covered thousands and thousands of acres. This is a picturesque view of a camp at Cumberland Landing, on the Pamunkey River, Va., in May, 1862. [Taylor & Huntington stereo card]

Gardner No. 1214?

The left section of 3-part panorama – see Related Images.