Image ID: AADH


by Russell (Andrew J.)



Negative Size:

11 in. x 14 in.



Locations & Lines:

Alexandria VA; Orange & Alexandria Railroad (O&A); Virginia

Military Units:

US Military Railroads (USMRR); US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Contraband Quarters (Alexandria VA); George H. Smoot house (Alexandria VA); USMRR Commissary Dept. (Alexandria VA); William B. Richards house (Alexandria VA)


USMRR boxcar 1011; USMRR boxcar 1166; USMRR boxcar 1270; USMRR boxcar 1279; USMRR boxcar 1307; USMRR flatcar 89; USMRR locomotive Washington (c); USMRR locomotive Maryland; USMRR locomotive Fairfax; passenger car


DeGolyer Library SMU; Huntington Library; J. Paul Getty Museum; Virginia Historical Society; Western Reserve Historical Society

Russell, United States Military Railroad Photographic Album. No. 89 – ALEXANDRIA, From “Round House,” looking North—showing “Contraband Quarters.”

Handwritten on Western Reserve Historical Society print: Alexandria Yard, Looking W. & N. W. – June 1863.

On the track closest to the camera, from left to right, are USMRR flat car No. 89 and box car No. 1166. On the next track are a hospital car and three passenger cars, all unidentified. Beyond them are box cars No. 1307, 1270, 1279 and 1011. On the far tracks are an unidentified locomotive, followed by the “Maryland,” “Faiirfax” and “Washington.” One corner of the Commissary Department can be seen center left, while the two long white buildings in the left background are Contraband Quarters. At center is the William B. Richards house, while to the far right on the same street sits a small house on the George H. Smoot property.

Etched onto negative, in reverse, in lower center image area: No. 18.

Forms panorama with Related Image.