
File Details: AJQPm, 1400 DPI, TIFF, Original Negative, 35.8 Mb

Image ID: AJQP


by Barnard (George N.)



Negative Size:

4 in. x 10 in. stereo


block & tackle; Brooke Rifle gun; Brooke shell; cannon; chain; handspike wrench; rope

Locations & Lines:

James River; Virginia

Military Units:

CS Navy; US Navy


gunboat; CSS Teaser


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Brady’s Album Gallery. no. 482. 100 lb. gun on board the Confederate gunboat Teazer [sic], which was captured on the 4th of July, by the Meritanza [sic]. [Brady Co. album card]

Photographic Incidents of the War. No. 482. Hundred-pounder Gun on Rebel Steamer “Teazer.” [Gardner Co. stereo card]

Library of Congress credits James F. Gibson and says: James River, Virginia. 100 pdr. gun on Confederate gunboat TEASER captured on July 4, 1862 by U.S.S. MARATANZA.

Brady No. 482.

Gardner No. 482.