
File Details: AJQHm, 1000 DPI, TIFF, Original Negative, 18.6 Mb

Image ID: AJQH


by Gibson (James F.)



Negative Size:

4 in. x 10 in. stereo


bayonet; crate; grapeshot; handspike (wood); handspike wrench; long gun; naval carriage (wood); sandbag; Sibley tent

Locations & Lines:

Yorktown VA; Virginia

Military Units:

CS Army; US Army


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Photographic Incidents of the War. No. 455. Confederate Fortifications, Yorktown, Va. [Gardner Co. stereo card]

Photographic War History. The War For The Union. 1861-1865. 455. Confederate Fortifications, Yorktown, Va. When the Rebels evacuated Yorktown, they destroyed as many of their cannon as possible. This shows the remains of a heavy gun which was purposely bursted by them. Fragments of the gun strew the ground, together with shell and grape shot. The soldiers seen in the fort are Union Zouaves. [Taylor & Huntington stereo card]

Library of Congress credits George N. Barnard.

Gardner No. 455.