
File Details: AJNEm, 1400 DPI, TIFF, Original Negative, 41.2 Mb

Image ID: AJNE


by O’Sullivan (Timothy H.)



Negative Size:

4 in. x 10 in. stereo

Locations & Lines:

Gettysburg PA; Gettysburg battlefield PA; Pennsylvania

Military Units:

CS Army; US Army


Library of Congress; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Photographic Incidents of the War. No. 243. View in field on right wing at Battle of Gettysburg. [Gardner Co. stereo views]

Photographic War History. The War For The Union. 1861-1865. No. 243. On the Battlefield at Gettysburg. A group of Union dead on the right of the Federal lines on the first days’ fight, July 1, 1863. These soldiers were killed by one discharge of “cannister” from a Rebel gun during a charge. “Cannister” is a tin can filled with small balls about the size of a marble. When the cannon is fired the force of the discharge bursts open the can, and the shower of cannister balls sweeps everything before it. [Taylor & Huntington stereo card]

MOLLUS Collection says: Gettysburg. Left of Union line, probably taken in area of Rose Farm or along Emmitsburg Rd. Burial detail.

Usually credited to James F. Gibson.

Gardner No. 243.

Etched onto negative: 243.