
File Details: AIMRm, 800 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 41.2 Mb

Image ID: AIMR


by Barnard (George N.)



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.


barrel; crate; hay bale

Locations & Lines:

Manassas Junction VA; Orange & Alexandria Railroad (O&A); Virginia

Military Units:

CS Army; US Army

Structures & Establishments:

O&A Turntable (Manassas Junction VA)


boxcar; locomotive; stock car


Library of Congress; National Archives; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book Of The War. Vol. 1, No. 9. Ruins at Manassas Junction. March, 1862.
Early in March, 1862, the rebel army, under Gen. Johnson, evacuated Centreville and Manassas, (their Northern line,) and commenced a retreat towards Richmond. It was orderly and well conducted for several days, but as the last trains were leaving, some of the soldiers fired a bridge south of the junction, supposing that all the trains had gone. Two, however, had not left, and these were at once fired, together with the surrounding buildings, used by the Railroad Company for depot, machine and repair shops, &c. Everything was destroyed, except half a dozen cars, which contained flour and some camp equipage of a South Carolina Brigade. and which for some reason escaped the conflagration. The old wooden turn-table was uninjured, and is a fair sample of the old fashioned equipage of the Orange and Alexandria Road, at that period. A few mud huts, and about fifty broken down wagons, and the usual debris of a winter’s camp, were the sole remnants of the rebel army, which, like the Arabs, had folded its tents, and silently stolen away. Manassas Junction was but a level plain, as seen by the photograph, and with neither natural or artifical works of any strength, the fortifications at that time consisting only of rude mud banks.

Related Image AMTO is an alternate view.