
File Details: AIMAm, 400 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 9.2 Mb

Image ID: AIMA


by Reekie (John)



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.

Locations & Lines:

Appomattox River; City Point VA; Virginia

Military Units:

US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Hospital wharf (City Point VA)


barge; side-wheeler Planter; steamboat Relief


Chrysler Museum of Art; Library of Congress; National Archives

Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book Of The War. Vol. 2, No. 72. Medical Supply Boat, Appomattox Landing, Virginia. January, 1865. Historically connected with the closing scenes of the great rebellion, this river will forever be interesting. This picture was taken about a mile above City Point, the boats being a portion of the fleet in the service of the Medical Department. The well-known supply boat, Planter, is lying at the little pier, formed by a section of a pontoon bridge. In the foreground is another pier, somewhat more solidly constructed on piles, driven into the oozy bed of the river. The opposite bank forms a part of Bermuda Hundreds, occupied by Gen. Butler after the failure of his advance upon Richmond.
When the combined forces besieged Petersburg, the Army of the James was encamped near Bermuda Hundreds, Gen. Butler’s headquarters being close upon the river, near Point of Rocks, where a pontoon bridge was laid, to connect the lines of the two armies. The bridge was well guarded by a squadron of gunboats, and although the rebels repeatedly attempted its destruction, remained undisturbed until the close of the war.