
File Details: AIKWm, 800 DPI, TIFF, Original Photograph, 42 Mb

Image ID: AIKW


by O’Sullivan (Timothy H.)



Negative Size:

8 in. x 10 in.



Locations & Lines:

Gettysburg PA; Gettysburg battlefield PA; Pennsylvania

Military Units:

9th Massachusetts Battery; CS Army; US Army

Structures & Establishments:

Trostle's house (Gettysburg PA)


Library of Congress; National Archives; USAMHI – MOLLUS collection

Gardner’s Photographic Sketch Book Of The War. Vol. 1, No. 42. Trossell’s House, Battle-Field of Gettysburg. July, 1863. The House is in front of the left of the position occupied by our army at the battle of Gettysburg. General Sickles established his headquarters near this House on the second day’s fight, and it was in this immediate vicinity that he received his wound, from which he lost his limb. The dead horses about the building indicate the terrific character of the fight. General Sickles had discovered early in the day that the enemy were moving around on our left, and advanced his corps some distance, for the purpose of securing a favorable position. The battle opened about half-past three, the enemy moving down in three lines, and almost overwhelming the Third Corps. At five-o’clock General Birney assumed command of the corps, General Sickles having been wounded. In the meantime, the rebels had forced back the left of our lines, and undoubtedly would have gained possession of Round Top, but for the timely arrival of the Fifth Corps, which became hotly engaged, losing many valuable officers, but finally repulsing the enemy, and holding a position, the loss of which would have necessitated the retreat of our army, and perhaps resulted in total defeat.
Thousands of dead and wounded were strewn over the fields adjacent to this House, and graves of Confederates can be found in every direction. The trees are scarred by bullets, marks of cannon-shot and shell disfigure the buildings, and the remains of the hastily constructed breastworks, with mouldering fragments of accoutrements, still show where the lines of battle were engaged.

Library of Congress says: Battle-field of Gettysburg, Dead horses of Bigelow’s (9th Massachusetts) battery.